Saturday, September 25, 2010


What is money?

I Googled money for the first time before starting this blog.

Have you ever tried Googling Money? If not try it, you'll find many web pages with different explanations about money. I found only one page with the relevant information, rest are out of scope for me. The only relevant page was of Wiki, the website one can trust on. But I was looking for a short information about Money, and reading Wiki page for just the definition of Money is not advisable.

Now, I tried again and Googled "define:Money", this is the way to find out the definitions of a word available on the net or say internet. This time I got a nice definition of Money which states that
    "Money is the most common medium of exchange."
 Short and simple, but this solves your purpose? solves my purpose of searching Money keyword. For me, money is a rectangular piece of paper by which I can by any comfort which I want to. Each and every country may or may not have the same currency money, and the value of one currency is different from another one. Say, Rupee 45 = $ 1 or Rupee 80 = Pound 1.

Euro is widely used currency in almost all the European countries. $ is widely accepted currency all over the world. But Money remains same, whatever one call it. It will still remains the rectangular piece or coins.

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